Thursday, December 26, 2019

AP biology 2009 free response - 1076 Words

AP ® BIOLOGY 2009 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 3 Water is essential to all living things. (a) Discuss THREE properties of water. (b) Explain each of the following in terms of the properties of water. You are not limited to the three properties discussed in part (a): †¢ †¢ †¢ the role of water as a medium for the metabolic processes of cells the ability of water to moderate temperature within living organisms and in organisms’ environments the movement of water from the roots to the leaves of plants (a) Discuss THREE properties of water (6 points maximum): Name of property and correct description (2 points). Points MUST provide both property and description. Property Polarity of water Specific heat/high heat†¦show more content†¦The final 2 property points were earned for the description and discussion of specific heat. The response earned a final point for the discussion of the ability of water to moderate temperature: water creates an environment for stabilizing temperature in relationship to its specific heat. Sample: 3C Score: 3 The response is clearly based on the question. However, although it contains the term â€Å"polarity† and some description of it, the response is vague in terms of where the attraction takes place (between or within the water molecule). The diagrams provided to left of the description appear accurate, but without the use of labels they do not clarify the description. The response earned 1 point for providing a role of water in temperature regulation when it describes how water is used to cool the body. One point was earned for explaining that water stabilizes temperature through its ability to hold energy or heat. The response earned a final point for the description of root pressure as water moving from higher to lower in the root.  © 2009 The College Board. All rights reserved. Visit the College Board on the Web:Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Homework As A Part Of Education1793 Words   |  8 PagesThroughout my schooling, I have always wondered what exactly I gained by doing my homework. In the past, when I have been given assignments that I find to be a waste of my time, I have asked my teachers why they chose to give us the assignment. In response to this question, my teachers have usually answered with things along the lines of â€Å"It will enhance your ability to better understand the subject.† (Pokorski, 2013) and â€Å"I am not given enough time to teach you, so you will have to teach yourselfRead MoreAmerican Psycho : Does Insanity Negate Responsibility?3774 Words   |  16 PagesAlex Cohen, Garrett Auer, Victoria Meyer, and Emily Sherman Mrs. Haag AP Seminar 26 January 2015 American Psycho: Does Insanity Negate Responsibility? Insanity has made a particularly notable transition into the public eye over the past century. 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